Order of service

Thursday 28th January 2021 Due to COVID-19 the services are restricted in the number of people allowed. The plan is to live stream the services so everyone who wants to attend will be able to do so virtually. We will also hold a celebration of Lyns life later in the year when COVID-19 restrictions are relaxed.

Those who are able to attend please be aware that it was Lyn's wish that people not wear black at her funeral, so feel free to dress as colourfully as you like.

Church Service 10:30am

  • Service starts at 10:30am at Connection Church Centre - Kingshurst - Due to covid this is by invite only
  • Entrance music: And Can It Be
  • Scripture reading - Chris Beard
  • Welcome & Opening Prayer - Chris Beard
  • Lords Prayer - Chris Beard
  • Song: Goodness of God
  • Tributes - Family & Friends
  • Jesus Is My Anchor - Song written by Lyn a few months ago and set to music by Kevin. Lyn wanted it played today.
  • Few moments of quiet
  • Short message - Chris Beard
  • Prayer of Commendation
  • Closing prayer & Grace blessing
  • Exit music: New Wine

Crematorium 12:00pm

  • Service starts at 12pm at Woodlands Crematorium - Due to covid this is by invite only
  • Entrance music: And Can It Be
  • Scripture reading - Psalm 61 v1-4
  • Welcome & Opening Prayer - Chris Beard
  • Tribute
  • Jesus Is My Anchor - Song written by Lyn a few months ago and set to music by Kevin. Lyn wanted it played today.
  • Few moments of quiet
  • Short message - Chris Beard
  • Committal
  • Closing prayer & Grace blessing
  • Exit music: New Wine